Preschool for 3 to 4 Year Olds
The preschool years are a time of great creativity and social growth. We plan a day full of fun, engaging experiences designed to stimulate your preschooler’s body and mind – and make learning fun.
At this age, school readiness becomes a priority. Our preschool curriculum is focused on giving your child a solid foundation in the academic skills needed for Kindergarten and beyond.
Our Curriculum
The foundation of our preschool curriculum is Creative Curriculum®, a nationally-recognized, award-winning program that helps your child develop the skills needed for school. We enhance this curriculum with the latest research into brain-based development, available only at The Sunshine House.
Your preschooler will love all the planned, fun experiences in language, math, science, social studies, music and art – and so much more!
Goals of the Preschool Program:
1. Social-Emotional Development
- Promote sense of self
- Encourage responsibility for self and others
- Encourage social behavior
2. Physical Development
- Promote gross motor and fine motor skills
3. Cognitive Development
- Promote learning and problem solving skills
- Encourage logical thinking
- Promote representational and symbolical thinking
4. Language Development
- Develop listening and speaking skills
- Grow reading and writing skills

Literacy, Self-Esteem & Character Development Program
Our exclusive Seeds of Literacy program uses children’s stories to help your preschooler develop important early literacy skills, including letter recognition, vocabulary development, letter-sound correlation and more. The program also explores character development as your child explores character traits such as patience, kindness, self-esteem and confidence, acceptance and leadership.
Be sure to look for the Seeds of Literacy board in your preschool classroom to find out more.
Spanish & Sign Language
We incorporate two additional languages into our preschool program – Spanish and Sign Language. Research shows that early exposure to second (or third) languages provides children with multiple developmental benefits, including:
- More advanced first language skills
- More ease in speaking a second language later in life
- Greater cultural understanding
- More advanced literacy acquisition
- Greater cognitive functioning