6 Easy Ways to Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem

6 Easy Ways To Build Your Child’S Self Esteem

No matter who you are, compliments are day makers. To your kids, a little praise from mom or dad is like winning the gold medal in the household Olympics. Acknowledging your kids for genuine reasons can change their outlook on life and themselves.

Building a child’s self-esteem is crucial because it shapes their sense of self-worth, confidence, and emotional well-being. When parents actively support and encourage their child, it helps them feel valued and understood, which fosters a positive self-image.

To make it easy, we’ve outlined 6 ways to build your child’s self-esteem and show them kindness.


1. Praise your child's efforts.

Acknowledging your child’s efforts helps them stay motivated. Whether it’s how hard they are working on their homework or, “I noticed you’ve been trying to keep your room clean, and I appreciate that,” a little praise can go a long way. Complimenting their efforts is an easy teaching tool and a great way to strengthen their belief in their own abilities.

2. Appreciate who your child is as a unique person.

Integrity and character aren’t qualities we often think about teaching our children (it’s more about brushing their teeth and tying their shoes). But appreciating their character is a great way to teach them about being a better person. Whether it’s their kindness toward their friends, honesty when asked questions, or respectfulness towards other adults, complimenting their character can go a long way.

 3. Recognize your child's contributions to the family.

Chores. The dreadful tasks every kid hates but every parent knows are necessary to keep a household running. One of the best ways to get your kids to like chores a little more is to recognize what they do that truly makes a difference in your household. Tell them how much you appreciate it when they wash dirty dishes or fold the laundry. Acknowledging their efforts can change their perspective on chores.

4. Celebrate your child's milestones.

Take them out for some ice cream when they learn how to tie their shoes or let them choose what’s for dinner when they ace their math test. “We’re so proud of you! Keep up the good work.” Encouragement and acknowledgments can have long-lasting effects.

5. Compliment your child's efforts towards individuality.

Picking their own outfits, pursuing an after-school activity they love, or finding a hobby that sparks their creativity are all ways in which kids show their individuality. They also give parents plenty of opportunities to support their individuality – even if it’s not necessarily your style. Try starting with, “I like your outfit today,” or “I can hear you practicing piano upstairs and it sounds beautiful.” Even if you don’t know a single thing about baseball or painting with oil pastels, support your kids in what they are interested in and commend their individuality.

6. Validate how amazing your child is.

Each child is unique in their own way, which is pretty amazing! You can probably think of countless ways to brag on your kiddo to the whole world, but make sure you are telling your child how awesome you think they are. Hearing it come directly from mom or dad is arguably the greatest compliment they will ever receive, ultimately boosting their self-esteem.


When you nurture your child’s self-esteem, you are giving them the tools to grow into confident, resilient, and emotionally healthy adults. Of course, there’s no limit to how many compliments you can give your child or how much appreciation you can show them. Simply tell your little ones how great you think they are! Oh – and you’re pretty great too, mom and dad.

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