I think we can all agree that s'mores are probably one of the most delicious snacks EVER. But what if we told you that you could make them twice as yummy and Fall-friendly? Yes! Pumpkin spice s'mores. They taste like a super-delicious Fall sandwich! One of the best things about this recipe is it can be made inside OR outside. If you're like us, you believe in the art of toasting a fine marshmallow. But if you're not that into fires or being outdoors-y, then the indoor option will be more your style.

Cinnamon Graham Crackers
Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows
Hershey's Chocolate Bars
Can of Pumpkin Pie Filling or a Leftover Slice of Pumpkin Pie
Smear pumpkin pie/pumpkin pie filling to your graham cracker and place two pieces of Hershey's chocolate on your graham.
Place your Pumpkin Spice marshmallow on a stick and toast to your preference.
Use your graham cracker with the pumpkin pie filling and Hershey chocolate a one side and grab an additional graham to complete your s'more.
Use these two sides in sandwich-style to grab the marshmallow from the stick while it's still warm. Allow 2-3 minutes for cooling.
Turn on oven broiler.
Spread pumpkin pie on a graham cracker and add 2 pieces of Hershey's Chocolate and a Pumpkin Spice marshmallow.
Place in the oven for 2-3 minutes until chocolate and marshmallow begin to melt. Top with a second graham cracker, smoosh and enjoy!