Top 7 Invention Books for Kids


Happy National Kid Inventors' Day! It may not be a widely celebrated holiday, but it sure is a fun way to get your kids involved in something other than TV. There are so many activities and projects you can be working on with your little ones! If you need some inspiration, check out our Pinterest Board for this creatively fun holiday.

In the meantime, here are our Top 7 Invention Books for Kids!

 If I Built a Car  by Chris Van Dusen

Jack displays his creative side and his ability to dream big with his brand-new car design. The future of the car industry hits new heights with his ideas that go far beyond auto-pilot. His imagination runs wild and will inspire your kids to do the same. 

The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

Your kids will learn the powerful lessons of perseverance, problem solving, and ingenuity with this exploration through the mind of a young inventor. While trying to make the most magnificent thing, the young girl comes across obstacles that she must figure out. This book is great for STEM education and teaches your little ones a bit about character development. 

Mistakes That Worked: 40 Familiar Inventions & How They Came to Be by Charlotte Foltz Jones

Give your kids real-life examples of inventions that started out on a bumpy road. There are dozens of everyday items that have unusual stories behind them, teaching your kids to learn from mistakes and keep moving forward. Interesting trivia for us adults, too! 

Mr. Ferris and His Wheel by Kathryn Gibbs Davis

This book captures the creative mind of an engineer and how he defied gravity to create one of the most iconic amusement rides. Your kids will love learning about one of their favorite rides and will be inspired to dream and create on their own. 

Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson's Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions by Chris Barton

An invention that changed childhood forever was created entirely by accident. Read how this brilliant mind unintentionally created every 7-year-old’s favorite toy. Inspiring your kids to chase their creativity and learn from their mistakes.

Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty

Rosie dreams of becoming and engineer. But when her first invention doesn’t work, she is left to reevaluate. This book will teach your kids the value of perseverance and persistence.

The Toothpaste Millionaire by Jean Merrill

Rufus was only trying to solve a simple problem and ended up becoming a millionaire. Including real-life mathematical problems and how the characters solved them, this book shows children their ideas, no matter how big or small, can make a huge impact.

Whether your kids are history buffs or inventors themselves, what a great day to celebrate their young minds and inspire them to follow their creativity. Don’t forget to visit our Pinterest page for more ideas on National Kid Inventors' Day!

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