5 Tips to Tackle Spring Cleaning


General cleaning and picking up can be a struggle for any family since you're all constantly running from playdates to soccer games to birthday parties, or the best one: you're just too exhausted! So when it comes to Spring cleaning, you'll need to find a few days and dedicate them solely to getting the job done! National Spring Cleaning Week is March 27- April 2, perhaps this would be a good time to declutter and organize.


When you think about Springtime and having the "out with the old" concept in mind, you're probably glancing around your house thinking, "Where do I even begin?" 

Here's a few tips to help you map out your plan and tackle Spring cleaning like a boss. 

1. Get organized

 Make a plan for your cleaning attack.  It may be to organize, de-clutter, deep clean, get rid of, or a combination of all.  Come up with a plan for where you want to start.  It’s best to do one room at a time.  You can use our Spring Cleaning Checklist to help you stay organized while getting everything accomplished!

2. Survey the room   

Look around the room: closet, dressers, desk, under beds, etc.  Take inventory and see what needs to be cleaned, de-cluttered, or organized.  It is a great time to clean the windows, check screens for holes, take down any window treatments and wash them, drop of bedding bed spread, bed skirts, throws, decorative shams at the dry cleaners or wash it.

3. Stock up     

Once you have surveyed the room, you’ll have a better idea of what you need.  Hit the store and stock up on supplies- storage bins, trash bags, cleaning supplies and any organizing tools you may need.

4. Check your calendar  

Schedule some dates specific for cleaning.  Make sure to put it on the calendar. 

5. Get help   

No one should go at this alone. Enlist some fresh recruits to help you... your husband and especially cleaning chores for your little. Let everyone have an assigned task!

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