Each day at The Sunshine House includes a fresh, nutritious breakfast, lunch and a snack, included with your tuition at no extra charge.
choose-my-plateWe provide a balance of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and we limit foods high in sugar and/or fat, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Centers participating in CACFP also provide complimentary baby formula and baby food.
Our menus are approved by nutritional experts and follow recommendations provided by the USDA’s Choose My Plate program (www.choosemyplate.gov) and specific state requirements.
Your child’s weekly menus are posted in advance, so you always know what is being served.

- Milk
- Fruit or vegetable
- Grain or bread
While menus vary slightly according to state guidelines, a sample daily menu may include:
- We do not serve sugar sweetened beverages and sweet food items are limited to two times per week or less.
- We are a peanut-free facility.
- Children may not bring lunches from home, unless medically necessary. A doctor’s note stating the medical reason must be provided.
For more information on our nutrition and menu options, please check with your center director.
For more information: Visit Choose My Plate: www.choosemyplate.gov